Besides listening to my companion speak mangled Spanish (as he only knows a little bit of the language and mostly infuses Portuguese words when speaking in the fourth most talented language) a couple of times this week (during which I got super excited when I heard a word I know like propheta, iglesias, or puedes) I was able to go bowling today with Elder Siedschlag and a less active member who both beat i/us handily by getting a strike the first four times he bowled and got 203 in the end. I was in third with 109 (as I only got on strike on the very last frame) and Siedschalg got 117 so at least I was close.
My adventurous act for this week was pressing the pink button on the toilet. I suggest no one of my gender try the same and just stick with the blue-green button.
This week I also had my first District Training Meeting on Friday and I got to leave my area to go to the Fuji area. I don`t yet have a picture of Fuji-San for everybody but if it would stop being cloudy I could give it to you. We talked about Paul`s awesome missionary example and then went out and ate at a crepes place which was pretty good.
Also this week, I had the opportunity to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting, dun, dun, DUN!!! Last Sunday I was asked to share my testimony for this week but an hour before I found out it was to be at least a five minute talk, if not ten minutes. So, I busted out a couple of scriptures and tried to get the pronunciation down before I spoke. It was about five minutes and I talked about how souls are great in the sight of God and that God has commanded us to feed his sheep. And then I challenged them to pray for missionary opportunities and that if they do they will be able to have them. At least that is what I thought I said according to the notecard I had my talk written on. It was really cool to be able to actually talk to everybody and I felt great. After I talked and sat down on the stand, I had this huge feeling of peace come me. Yeah I was finished with my talk and relieved but it was a bit different. It was the feeling that I had gotten many times before at the MTC or even before in firesides or sacrament meeting. As I looked over the audience of about fifty people I felt like I almost belonged. It still surprises me that I can cross the Pacific Ocean, walk into a church building where everyone speaks a langauge that I barely know, and still be taught a lesson about Joseph Fielding Smith during Priesthood or that I can go and partake of the Sacrament. The church building is super small here and the ward is smaller than what I am used to but it has that same sense of belonging that I felt at Rainbow Crest, or at the 129th Ward, or at my Grandma Bevans`s ward in Cardston, Alberta, Canada, over here in Numazu Japan. I am really grateful that the church is growing and that I can play a small part in it and be able to feel the Spirit and have friends and a support group every I go throughout the world.
Hope everyone has a great week and that the last few weeks of summer will be enjoyed!
Elder Hall
And by the way, thanks everyone for all of the birthday wishes in letters and e-mails. I really all enjoyed them! And here are pictures of the ocean and me eating sushi!
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