Sunday, February 28, 2016


I am sure most people in America are freaking out about Super Tuesday coming up very soon but over here I am still freaking out about our Super Saturday of total positive chaos and randomness.  Hopefully I can explain our week and Saturday accurately.  It all started last Monday when on a P-day we played basketball with our investigator Haruhito, gave vegetables to a needy bro less active, and capped it off with our Ugandan investigator Baker.  What a P-day.  Then Tuesday was followed up with meeting our French friend Mattias finally and discussing why we can draw Jesus (and lesson 1 of course).  We also meet with our Canadian friend David we found last week at Indo Curry (after having accidentally eating lunch before) and had a good talk about the church.  Wednesday I went on an exchange to good old Gifu for the fifth time on my mission and had a lot of good fun with Elder Bunch teaching a couple of people that volunteer to teach Japanese to foreigners.

The crazy part of the week was definitely Saturday though.  We had four appointments and NONE OF THEM FELL THROUGH!  It was quite crazy actually.  First we meet again with our basketball college friend Haruhito and had the best lesson yet with him.  He told us that he actually wanted the blessings of the gospel and responded really well when we reviewed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he committed to baptism on April 24th.  SO EXCITED!  Next up we had a appointment to play tennis with a couple of members and an investigator who hadn't come in awhile came.  Then we had a good chat with our Ugandan friend Baker, again.  Lastly though, we ended the night with our bro Ito San. After meeting with him at the church and giving him a church tour (including the baptismal font) last week to start teaching him, we followed up with some Indo Curry and a visit to Mister Donuts (Japan's Dunkin' Donuts pretty much).  We had our ward mission leader come and they clicked really well and Ito asked him a bunch of questions.  We talked more about God with him and he seems down to keep talking with us and try out the stuff we teach him.  Just a crazy day.  On top of things, the Spirit just majorly confirmed our plans as we randomly meet one of our Eikaiwa students and another investigator on the way to things and we got to talk to them both.  This week the Spirit has just been giving us freebies as we just try to involve him.  SO COOL!  Just by trying to follow the Spirit, the Spirit just gives us really cool opportunities to meet and serve people without us planning them.  The Spirit really is the key.

This week I read Elder Schwitzer's talk in General Conference (ONE MONTH UNTIL GENERAL CONFERENCE!) and he said "If ever there was a time when the world needs disciples of Christ who can communicate the message of the gospel with clarity and from the heart, it is now. We need the clarion call of the trumpet."  Way cool right?  As a missionary I have learned a lot about this principle.  The first part of the mission I was really scared to speak in Japanese or really talk much but as I have gotten older I have learned to take as much opportunities as possible to testify.  It really has made the difference on my mission.  It might be scary and I might stumble (like all the time) but it makes me a lot happier and it gives me more of the Spirit.  In the "Power of the Everyday Missionary", Elder Christensen says how God gives the best weapons to the soldiers on the front lines.  As members, we can be on the front lines by bearing our testimonies and serving others and God will give us the most blessings possible for our families, friends, and ourselves.  So cool right!  I've seen that a lot as a missionary and hope I can continue even after that.  So take a deep breath, do a couple of breathing exercises in your Family Home Evenings, and get out there and blast the clarion call of your own trumpet because you can't fail!  I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

Elder Hall

Ponderizing Scripture:
"But that ye have patience, and bear with those afflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."
-Alma 34:41

Monday Flashback:
 I know that one thing I have learned on my mission is that God does command us to be perfect, but not right away.  All we have to do is try our best to be perfect and whenever we fall short, the Atonement makes up for the rest.  I know I wouldn`t be able to be on my mission and face all these challenges and language barriers if it wasn`t for the atonement.
- Re:  (The Week I Once Again Forgot a Subject Line) 3/2/2015

After District Training Meeting

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