Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcoming New Guests

This Saturday we are welcoming a senior couple here in Numazu whose names are the Oshies (which literally means tasty) so today has been spent cleaning up the apartment so that it is nice and representable. Here is to show that procrastination still exists even amongst missionaries. Stupid Satan. But this is the reason for a short and late e-mail so I apologize.

This past week has been really good and we were able to teach more lessons than usual. We had an awesome zone conference though about including the members in missionary work and we talked about how we could include them in the work better. And we talking about using the book `Power of the Everyday Missionary` which, should be canonized alongside the Quadraple Combination and Preach My Gospel. If you haven`t read it yet, read it and if you have read it, live it. Also at the conference, I got a late birthday present from Sister Yamashita, some chocolate and a nice orange tie I will have to send pictures of.

This week though some good moments were eating raw horse over a lesson with an investigator (and besides my Western ideas of killing horses and eating them, it was actually really tatsy when dipped in soy sauce) named Takeda who live in a near-by city where we had to get a train to. The lesson was pretty good and we was our first lesson and we learned he was a Physcologist and when we introduced the Book of Mormon, he was really excited to read it since he had studied form the Bible. Also, we found a new investigator out of a former investigator which I am sure I will have to tell you more about after we had a lesson with him next week. Everybody keep the faith and I hope you all have a very enjoyable week.

Love y`all!

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