Monday, November 10, 2014

Less Active Work, In Our Church and Others!

So, like most weeks, this one was again quite interesting for two white folk running around the streets of Japan.  First off, we did what they call here `McDonalds` Dendo.  We met a guy we had OYMed to (or basically Opened Our Mouths to on the street) a couple of weeks back who had asked to be our friend.  So, we went to McD`s to meet him but we didn`t eat there because he didn`t want to.  We had known he was a bit socially awkward, but from the first meeting on the street we deemed him fully capable of hearing the glad message.

Now, in Japan, McDonalds have a really nice second floor with a bunch of tables that it is cool for people to meet people and talk to people instead of a disgusting ball pit full of diapers that they won`t let me go in anymore because I am too old in America.  There are usually adults sitting up there doing work on their computer or kids doing homework or teenagers playing Pokemon.  So, we meet him there and start talking, building the relationship.  He shows us pictures of his Star Wars action figures which were pretty cool and he had a Bane action figure with him he let us hold.  He even gave us a picture of one of his action figures for safe keeping!  So, this 27 year old who actually had a girlfriend was kind of nerdy in the extreme told us half his money from his job goes to action figures and he lives with his parents.  So a failure to launch kind of guy.  This meeting was already great e-mail material but then we transitioned to the gospel.  'We'd like to share a message with you.  What do you think about religion?'  'Oh, I am Mahikari.'  AAAAHHH!  Mahikari is a really creepy religion that is actually ran out of Takayama but is in most parts of Japan and they are this religion that believes in some really weird stuff and describes their God like we see Satan.  And their symbol is a weird star of David thing but they don't have anything to do with Jews.  He only said he was a member because his Mom was so he was a less active Mahikari but he didn't want anything to do with the gospel, so we said goodbye, thanked him for the picture and went on our way.

Later in the week we visited a less active member of our church.  The branch here is doing this massive To the Rescue program and they want the missionaries to visit all of the less actives in the ward (which is like 70 or so) to see how we can help them.  We went to one on Sunday night and he answered the door which was pretty good and we got talking.  He said that he was baptized two years ago and that he really loves missionaries because the ones who taught him were his friend when he needed one the most.  We asked him his current views about the church and he said he wants to come back but has work.  So, we asked him to see if he could get if off to come to church.  He was really happy to see us and seems like someone who was waiting for a gentle push back into the church.  And we are planning on doing a Family Home Evening with his non-member wife and two daughters.  It is amazing to see how the Lord directs us as missionaries to find the people, whether active, non-members or less active, who really need our help the most.  Hope the Lord can direct everyone this week to help someone in need. 

 Have a great week and enjoy the Fall weather everyone!  

Love you all!
Las Vegas sign in Numazu

View from Apartment in Takayama

Halloween Themed English Class

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